Wolfe Lab News

Welcome to the website for the Wolfe Laboratory at UNC Asheville. Look here for updates about from our lab!

Lab updates:

  • August 2024, Dr. Wolfe was awarded with the Phillip S. Portoghese Lectureship Award in Medicinal Chemistry form the American Chemical Society Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, ACMS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, and the ACS Division Medicinal Chemistry.
  • Spring 2024 – Welcome to new lab members Savanna Freeman, Armaan Singh, Angelina Dennison, Sierra Ghee!
  • January 2024 – Welcome UNC Asheville SHIFT scholar Toni Marchlewski to the lab!
  • January 2024 – Congratulations Katie, Alex, and North Carolina School of Science and Math Morganton students Courtney, Ananya, Abi, and Addison on the ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters paper detailing an in depth SAR of our Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATP synthase inhibitors.
  • November 2023 – Welcome Chemistry Majors Hugo Warshauer and Mars Zappia to the Lab!
  • October 2023 – Congratulations Casey, Bryce, Isaak, Dhruvi, and A’Zane on their paper in ChemMedChem detailing the synthesis and evaluation of dimeric antibiotics. DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.202300496
  • October 2023 – Congratulations Alex, Bryce, Katie and others on the ACS Infectious Diseases paper in collaboration with the Steed Lab at UNC Asheville that describes how we were able to translate ATP synthase inhibition into antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. DOI: /10.1021/acsinfecdis.3c00317
  • May 2023 – Congratulations to Wolfe Lab Graduating Seniors Bryce Pugh, Casey Kellogg, Dhruvi Parmar, Jason Dunford, Stephanie Holz, A’Zane Troxler, Vesper Fraunfelter, Aliyah Rao, and John Ciprich!
  • January 2023 – Welcome UNC Asheville SHIFT scholars Darien Allen and Isaak Starr
  • August 2022 – Congratulations Kyle, Marcia, Erin and Veronika on the Bioorganic Med Chem Letters publication that details the total synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of Empetroxepins A and B and related analogs! DOI: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2022.128955
  • July 2022 – Congratulations John, Aliyah, Dhruvi, Lilly and Grace on the ACS Omega publication that details the development of novel Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATP synthase inhibitors in collaboration with the Steed Lab at UNC Asheville! DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c03127
  • June 2022 – Congratulations Bryce, Aliyah and Kyle on the RSC Med Chem publication that details the development of poly-nitrogenous adjuvants!  DOI: 10.1039/D2MD00041E
  • June 2022 Welcome Kyle Handy, Lilly Rubin, and Alex Williams to the lab!
  • May 2022 – Congratulations to our graduating seniors, Grace Volk, Grace Sloan, Grace Lawhern, Dietrich Jackson, Aliyah Aguilar, and Amelia Ham! You all make us proud!
  • April 2022 – Contratulations Grace Sloan on being awarded the A.C. Reynolds Award and Thomas D. Reynolds Prize for Campus Service!
  • April 2022 – Congratulations Grace Volk on being selected as this years Manly E. Wright Award for top graduating senior in Scholarship!
  • July 2021- Wolfe Lab awarded an NIH R15 Grant from NIAID for our work on antibiotic development and our collaboration with the Steed Lab at UNC Asheville on developing antibiotics that selectively target ATP synthase!
  • May 2021 – Congratulations Wolfe Lab graduate senior Jacob Shumate!
  • March 26th 2021 – Congratulations Grace Volk on your Goldwater Scholarship Award!
  • October 30th 2020 – Check out our new review in Future Medicinal Chemistry, https://www.future-science.com/doi/10.4155/fmc-2020-0247.
  • June 9th, 2020 – Congrats to all the authors on our latest paper in BMCL detailing our alpha-pyrone adjuvants! Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 202030(16), 127301
  • May 2020 – Congratulations Wolfe Lab graduating seniors Clair, Lauren, Sara, Jordan, and Cat!